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Autumnal energy reset!

As the leaves turn colour and we bid goodbye to summer, we have much to look forward to through autumn and the festive season not too far away.. But this change in season brings with it a range of health risks, from common colds to the seasonal flu. Most of us try and mitigate these risks by fortifying ourselves with immune boosters and supplements. This year, our second autumn of the Covid 19 pandemic, ensuring immunity remains high is more important than ever.

The past year and a half have necessitated a higher focus on self-care, with added pressures and stresses due to the pandemic. However, each season brings with it a different flavour. Summer is naturally ‘sunnier’, with opportunities to spend days out in the open outdoors with an uplift in spirits from social activities and travels too. As we switch gears from that, some of us might be experiencing anxiety in anticipation of shorter days, mostly spent indoors. 

It is a well-established fact that stress and anxiety have a detrimental impact on our innate immunity. This is not helped by the talks of needing booster jabs to keep up our acquired immunity to coronavirus. So, what could we be doing to help our case?

Living more mindfully, with a regular calming meditation practice is known to have an impact on our base energy levels, thereby improving our overall well-being, both physically and emotionally. Maintaining good energy hygiene helps too. As does, keeping our hearts in a higher state of activation. This is easily done when we live sharing love and kindness, are generous and appreciative of the beauty and blessings in our life, and really are able to ‘see’ things objectively and react appropriately in a calm, proportionate manner. 

All of the above are virtuous qualities that have a direct relationship on our mental and emotional health. A robust baseline health and innate immunity therefore is hugely dependent on some of these softer, fuzzier aspects of life, and it helps to know this energetic connection.

Master Choa Kok Sui has presented this deeper knowledge in an easy to understand and apply modality called Pranic Healing.  Learn for yourself how you can manage your physical and emotional health better with an upcoming Pranic Healing Course.  

And in the meanwhile, get started with joining your local or an online meditation on twin hearts, to help relieve stress, cleanse any energy blocks and revitalise yourself supported by a regular practice. 

Pranic Healing Meditation Events in Ireland