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What is Pranic Healing and How Can it Help You Live a Better Life

Every year the modern world seems to evolve quicker than we humans can keep up with it. We are surrounded by more opportunities and choices than ever, more technology than ever and more data than ever. While this brings us indisputable advantages such as breakthroughs in science and medicine, a heightened awareness of the need for equality and justice in our societies and the wherewithal to travel the globe, unfortunately one of the downsides to so much constant buzz is that we are inundated.

So what does all of this have to do with Pranic Healing?

Well, if we think of the mind as a computer, there is only so much of this modern-day overload it can take before its many thousands of accumulated thoughts and emotions cause the body to malfunction. This might be via an ailment or, indeed, a psychological condition such as stress, anxiety or depression. In fact the latter is the root cause of many of the body’s unwanted physical conditions. Learning how to reverse these problems will bring mind, body and spirit back into harmony. And that’s what Pranic Healing does.

How does it work?

When we understand that everything is energy, we also understand the logic in reversing the energetic pattern of a state or condition. Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing, was a chemical engineer and businessman with an interest in energy and ancient healing methods. Master Choa Kok Sui spent thirty years studying physical and psychological conditions in great depth, validating and experimenting to fuse the spiritual techniques of the East with the scientific methods of the West. Unique protocols were created for each condition, and each of these protocols is set out in such a way that they are easy for every household to follow. Just like working one’s way through a recipe in a cookbook.

Master Choa Kok Sui’s greatest wish was that every home on the planet had a Pranic Healer in it so that humanity could be relieved of unnecessary suffering. At the time of writing, Pranic Healing is taught in 126 countries with countless numbers of students helping their families, friends, strangers, and themselves to live better and happier lives.

Pranic Healing is a non-touch healing modality. Since we are all connected through the magnetic field (or aura) of the Earth, it is possible for a Pranic Healer in the UK (for example) to carry out a healing on a patient in Australia. The energy is simply directed to the patient via the healer’s intention and then a chemical reaction can occur within the body and the condition can begin to improve. It seems magical but it is really just a hidden law of the universe. If you think about it, it wasn’t so long ago that we’d have raised our eyebrows at the concept of the Internet… and certainly at the idea of being able to FaceTime one another on a mobile phone! 

Pranic Healing can be used to improve our relationships, finances and spiritual connection too.

Where can I find out more?

We have just updated our Pranic Healing UK and Ireland website. It’s looking really sleek, it’s easy to navigate and it contains an absolute treasure trove of information to cover all of the questions we are most frequently asked. It also details all of the wonderful courses and seminars