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If you’ve recently taken the Pranic Healing Level 1 class, you’ll know just how life changing that weekend can be.  When you think about who you know that would benefit from a treatment, you’ll find that you could be healing all day, every day.

Not everyone wants to be a healer but everybody needs some sort of healing. With your new skills, you’re now fully equipped with the ability to help physical aches, pains, chronic conditions and how to alleviate someone’s stress and anxiety. 

How many times when you are stressed, do you find it difficult to concentrate or see what steps you can make to resolve a situation?  After experiencing a healing, you feel calmer, which gives you more clarity, enabling you to make the right choices or view a situation with a clear head.

Some of you might be raring to go, others might be a little apprehensive about getting out there and healing, so here are some tips to help you get on track.

1 Practice, practice practice 

Grab your friends, colleagues, partner or even next door’s dog or cat. By practicing the techniques, the procedure starts to become more automatic. Healing as many people (or pets) as you can, you will start to see the transformations.  This increases your confidence as a new Pranic Healer and any self-doubt starts to disappear. 

2 Review the Class

Remember just how much you learnt in the two day course? Sometimes you can miss information or you may be a little unsure of a technique so by reviewing the Level 1 course, or attending one of the practice sessions, it really helps all the information sink it.

An added bonus is that when you review,  it’s a reduced rate. 

3 Self Healing

Remember the healer needs healing too. It’s important to take some time out for yourself, some ‘ME’ time. Helping others is great but you have to keep our own energy levels in tip top condition. You are also the best person to validate your own healing. 

4 Study

Schedule a regular slot in your week to study your ‘Miracles of Pranic Healing’ book. Every protocol has an explanation and with proper study, you’ll start to understand why you are working on the particular chakra. With a deep understanding of the chakras, your healing ability will improve. You’ll notice every time you read the book after taking a class, your awareness and understanding goes deeper.

Pranic Healing Practice Sessions