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The Secret to Healing ALL of Your Relationships

How many people have you fallen out with in your lifetime?

Who are you still holding onto a grudge with in the today?

Have you added family, friends or strangers to that list since the pandemic?

Does your heart yearn to build bridges and nourish those previously blissful connections?

Did you know there is a scientifically – validated way to repair ALL of your relationships – even the tricky ones that seem beyond rescue?

Energy is omnipresent. From the atoms that make up an apple to the tug at the heartstrings of a parent comforting a crying child, everything is energy

Prana – the Sanskrit name for this life force – is the basis of every single one of our relationships too. 

Typically, when we think of relationships, we conjure up the romantic kind, as well as our bond with family and friends. In reality, we have an ongoing relationship with every single person we have ever encountered. From the work colleagues we interact with daily to the school bully whose radar we couldn’t escape, from the driver who pulled out on us last week – causing us to spit proverbial feathers at the wheel – to the acquaintance who holds radically opposing views on current world topics and never fails to get us in a tailspin. 

And let us not forget our own ‘trespasses’ and the times when we have made foolish mistakes that we wish we could erase from the History books of our mind. 

In fact, without consciously realising it, many of the trivial faux pas ‘committed’ by ourselves and the people from our past, continue to play on our minds today: over and over like ticker tape on a loop so that we carry a ball and chain of emotional baggage everywhere we go on our life’s journey, causing ourselves untold issues. If only we could stop it.

Well, the joyous news is: we can do that and so much more. We can also quickly turn around situations we might be facing in our current relationships, before they escalate – as well as dissolving sudden future conflicts within moments.

How on earth?

Going back to the subject of energy, just as anger/frustration/hatred/disagreement can fuel a fire creating discord between two people, similarly, these emotions can be cleansed from the chakras of the body so that eventually, the seed is popped and we are set free. 

When we reprogramme ourselves energetically and replace these lower emotions with the positive emotion of love. Inner peace is restored and over time, if the person we are seeking a harmonious connection with is still in our day to day life, we will begin to notice marked and magical improvements in our interactions with them. In fact, even if we don’t see the person, we will know in our hearts when all is forgiven.  

This seemingly unbelievable process is possible thanks to specific, easy to learn, techniques taught in Pranic Healing; techniques which are as spiritual as they are scientific. Even during a Level 1 class, you can begin to turn your relationships around. 

Further to the energy techniques, which you will be encouraged to validate for yourself, you will also be introduced to the life-changing Twin Hearts meditation. 

This is a very special meditation that has, once again, been scientifically-proven to provide huge mental and physical health benefits. Since it’s a meditation for world peace, it can also help enormously to heal broken relationships. In giving, one receives, and by blessing the earth during this meditation and asking for forgiveness for our mistakes in our interactions with others, we can transmute conflict and enjoy better connections with everybody.

The powerful Twin Hearts meditation also helps to lower our stress levels meaning we ‘mind the gap’ before we react and we are better able to remain calm and level-headed in testing situations. It truly is a win-win for every aspect of our social lives in the modern world! 

There are many online and in-person Twin Hearts meditations carried out by Pranic Healing instructors every week and you can sign up for them here.

Would you like to find out more to actively improve your relationships and start your Pranic Healing journey, too? Find some upcoming classes in your area. We look forward to meeting you.