Arhatic Yoga Courses (events are listed below)

Someone who practices Arhatic Yoga and is serious about their spiritual practice and has attended the MCKS Arhatic Yoga Course.

Arhatic Yoga is a blend of 7 different Yogas to assist and accelerate spiritual growth.

As well as regular Twin Hearts Meditations the Arhatic Yoga Practitioners perform additional meditations and purification techniques to develop and activate their energy bodies and energy centres.

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga Prep

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga Retreat

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga Review Day

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga - Level 1

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga - Level 2

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga - Level 3.1

Arhatic Yoga Courses

Arhatic Yoga - Level 3.2

Upcoming Arhatic Yoga Courses Events