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How To Bring More Positivity Into Your Life Using Crystal Healing

Whether we verbalise it or not, most of us crave for good health, prosperity, happiness and a yearning for a sense of belonging.

Sometimes our words and actions animate the opposite. So why is that? Is it perhaps that deep down we feel that we don’t deserve it? But where did these thoughts and feelings come from in the first place, and how to we remove them to create a happier, positive more fulfilled life?

Our mind creates between 20,00-80,00 thoughts a day. Our mind is like a computer; it never has a day off. We live in a sea of energy, which is pervasive; it affects every area of our lives. If we are stressed, our health and relationships suffer as we have the tendency to take it out on those we love the most!

If we are feeling low and depressed, we physically fee lethargic, we lose our dynamism and the drive to get out there and make money be successful. If we feel disconnected with others, with ourselves, we lose sight of our goals. Being Spiritual means some ones that is connected, dynamic, and has a sharp mind.

Crystals can be used in a Pranic Healing treatment to remove stress and anxiety or any other unhelpful feeling that is within our system, which prevents us from moving forward in life.

Crystals can be worn or placed in the home or office. The various colours are not only pleasing to the eye, but they have specific powerful properties. Certain colours have a cleansing effect on the body, some help to bring more loving energy to you or into an area helping to harmonise relationships or draw in more love for you.

Some activate certain energy centres within you to give you more drive and get up and go, therefore creating prosperity.
Wearing the wrong crystals or gems could cause problems, emotions or financial difficulty, proving that these little gems are more powerful then you can imagine.

Welcome the world of Crystal Healing into your life, if you really want to transform to a positive place. Good health, prosperity, and good relationships what more can one ask for?

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(pre-requisite Pranic Psychotherapy course)