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Men’s Health Day Special

It’s well known that men tend to be solution-focused and like to fix things. They like to take objects apart just to see how they go back together.

Practical, capable, problem solving is highly respected attributes. The ability to focus on a task and see it through to successful completion is an indispensable quality. 

Whilst men have the mindset to fix things, unfortunately, many men of all ages can really struggle when it comes to ‘mending’ their own minds. 

Recent statistics indicate a worrying trend. According to Movember, globally, every minute a man dies by suicide. 

In the UK, 75% of suicide cases are male.

Many charities are addressing the issues men face by looking at mental health through a male lens focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. They are working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well and supported by those around them.

Many men deal with stress by turning to a pint with a mate, releasing pent up emotions at a football match or taking themselves off for a long run or bike ride. 

In moderation, these helpful coping strategies are like release valves but deep down they don’t necessarily get to the underlying causes of the mental health condition. Left unattended, too much pressure and stress on the mind can lead to psychological and often physical ailments.

The mind can be compared to a computer processing data. The data of the mind being unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Left unattended with too many programmes running a computer can crash. 

The mind is no different if it becomes overloaded and weighed down with worries, doubts, fears and concerns it can crash bringing down the physical body with it. Health, relationships and financial problems can all add to the mental burden.

Once a computer is cleaned up, de-fragged and a rebooted the restoration process can begin – the same applies to the mind.

So what tools can men use to help clear the mind and propel themselves to a happier, healthier place?

By learning simply to use practical techniques, men can learn to take charge of their wellness and become successful at well being.  

Pranic Healing is a non-touch energy-based system which includes specific breathing techniques, special exercises, advanced meditation, pranic treatments and much more.

Used globally in over 126 countries this self-development approach to physical, emotional and mental health is helping men transform their lives on a daily basis.

Learn to Meditate: Online Meditation:

Transform with Pranic Healing: