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Power Through Wesak

Would you like to benefit from the most powerful full moon of the year? 

Would you like to generate the same amount of energy in one meditation as you would normally do in an entire month?

Are you ready to rapidly boost your spiritual development? 

Every year a golden opportunity arises during the Full Moon Festival of Wesak, a truly special occasion revered by those who understand the significance of increasing particular meditation practices at this time. Tremendous amounts of energy generated at the Wesak can be used to bring prosperity, joy and happiness.

What is Wesak? 

Wesak is an annual festival that takes its name from a valley deep in the Himalayas. The Wesak festival is also known as the “Festival of Buddha” or the “Festival of Enlightenment.” 

Eastern tradition marks the “Festival of Buddha” as the anniversary of the birth, physical death and enlightenment of Lord Buddha whose great teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are shared at this sacred time as a reminder of the impermanence of the physical world we all live in. These priceless teachings are given as a compass to help navigate through life.

“Our life is full of impermanence. We cling to impermanent things: wealth, money, gold, power and human recognition, desires of many forms. They all come and go”.

Wesak is celebrated once a year during the full moon of Taurus. This full moon is considered to be the most powerful full moon of the year. It is an amazing time of celebration, a unique and powerful event that gives an opportunity for service, spiritual renewal and self-purification. 

What is the legend of the Wesak Festival?

It is said that Great Beings including the Lord Buddha, Lord Christ and Buddha Kuan Yin descend to bless humanity.

“Wesak is the single greatest event on our planet and the one that has the greatest effect upon humanity”- Master Djwal Khul as stated in the Alice Bailey books. 

Why is Wesak a time of cooperation? 

Wesak is recognised as a shared holy day of unity that transcends the world’s major religions. An opportunity for people of all faiths and spirituality to come together to meditate as one. This enables a channel for the downpouring of divine vitalizing energies to flow, creating a tremendous spiritual event that has a powerful purifying effect on both the individual meditating; negative thoughts and emotions are removed, chakras are cleansed, and on humanity as a whole. 

The Wesak Festival is a powerful opportunity to participate in a global meditation of service, an amazing chance to shower Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants with an immense amount of energy and blessings. 

How to prepare for the Wesak Festival?

To get the most from this powerful annual event it can be helpful to follow the following guidelines:

  • Daily salt baths
  • Light Vegetarian and fruit diet
  • Daily Meditation on Twin Hearts 
  • Daily Recital of the Great Invocation
  • Be Charitable

When and where to experience the Wesak Festival?

This year the Wesak Festival falls on 7th May 2020. Events will be held across the world at this sacred time. Join the Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland, special Meditation on Twin Hearts for Wesak with Les Flitcroft. Thursday 7th May 6.30 pm

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